Let me be upfront here. “Worship” means much more than music and singing. Worship is anything we do to honor God and declare His “worth-ship.” In local church services, it is generally practiced by fellowship (which is much more than just “Christian friends or people getting together in the name of the Lord”), prayer, preaching/teaching, sacraments, serving in any ministry or vocation, etc. . . . etc. . . . and music and singing and (for many charismatic and pentecostal congregations) dancing of some variety.
I have been to a few church services lately where the entire time is spent in singing (and listening) to music, loads of “announcements,” but little or no prayer, testimony, or teaching/preaching! How can this be? In a few churches I have visited, they have put much more emphasis on music and singing than they do teaching and preaching (or anything else). I don’t really understand this, except they have misunderstood the balance required in our local church services. We must be teaching our people! We need this ministry, and it is not getting the attention it needs in today’s churches.
I meet many Christians who don’t understand what they believe. They don’t understand what their church believes, either. They cannot explain why they believe what they believe, or why they attend a particular church. I would go further and say that I believe many Christians today don’t attend church because of the teachings of that particular local church or denomination, but because they feel comfortable there, or they like the pastor, or the building is nice, or they have friends there. But they don’t know anything about that Presbyterian church’s reformed theology, or that independent church’s understanding of women in ministry, or how that church practices the meaning and purpose of the Lord’s Supper.
Why don’t they know? Maybe it goes back to the lack of teaching in the local churches? Maybe pastors and leaders have not been trained to understand and explain their faith. Pastors are leaders, and they should be trained to lead and explain the Christian faith. Pastoring (or shepherding) should not be taken lightly. It should be treated with the utmost respect and care and preparation. Leaders must be trained so they understand why they believe what they believe, and can explain it clearly and with conviction to those under their leadership.
Teaching is worship. Training is worship! I love the part in Paul’s letter to Timothy where he says, “I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.” (2 Tim 4:1-2 NKJV). How can we be ready? How can we convince others if we don’t understand it ourselves?
Let’s broaden our view of worship!
Your post is really wonderful..thanks for posting…your post is very informative
I appreciate the encouragement! Please feel free to dialog!
Blessings, Mike
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